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- 10000 poke53281,7:poke53280,6
- 10005 forc=1to49:print:next
- 10010 print"[144][147]";:fora=1to40:print"*[146]";:next
- 10012 print"*[146] [211]paghetti western movie writer *";
- 10014 fora=1to40:print"*[146]";:next
- 10028 rem
- 10029 rem ***************************
- 10030 rem *adapted from the science
- 10031 rem *fiction novel flowchart
- 10032 rem *from sam j. lundwall's book,
- 10033 rem *science fiction, an
- 10034 rem *illustrated history
- 10035 rem *(c) 1977 - grosset & dunlap
- 10038 rem ***************************
- 10039 rem
- 10040 print:print"[205]any people have wondered who was"
- 10041 print:print"really responsible for the hundreds of"
- 10042 print:print"indistinguishable [194] western"
- 10043 print:print"movies of the 50's and 60's. [207]ur"
- 10044 print:print"contention is that they were produced"
- 10045 print:print"by a computer."
- 10050 print:print" [193]s evidence, we present the [195]-64"
- 10051 print:print"screenwriter."
- 10060 el=76
- 10070 w=38
- 10080 restore:dimph$(80),br%(80,8):fora=0toel:readn,ph$(n),br%(n,0)
- 10085 ifbr%(n,0)=0then10100
- 10090 forb=1tobr%(n,0):readbr%(n,b):nextb
- 10100 nexta
- 10110 print"";
- 10111 print" press space bar";
- 10112 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 10120 print:print:ph=0
- 10122 ca=1
- 10125 print"":forc=1to20:print" ":
- 10126 next
- 10127 print""
- 10130 rem
- 10140 rem
- 10150 t$=t$+ph$(ph)
- 10155 ifca=1thengosub30000:ca=0
- 10160 rem
- 10170 ifbr%(ph,0)=0then10215
- 10180 pi=br%(ph,0)*rnd(1)+1
- 10190 pj=br%(ph,pi)
- 10200 ph=pj
- 10205 iflen(t$)>wthengosub20000
- 10210 goto10140
- 10215 gosub20000:ift$<>p1$thenprintt$
- 10220 t$="":print:print:print"another?";:poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 10230 ifk$<>"n"thenifk$<>"[206]"then10120
- 10240 goto63000
- 10250 remformatof the data statements:
- 10260 rem data/phrase#/phrase/#of possible branches/branches
- 10270 data0,"the town ",3,2,3,75
- 10280 data1,"burns up ",2,5,6
- 10290 data2,"marshalls ",2,12,13
- 10300 data3,"is attacked by ",2,14,15
- 10310 data4,"is massacred and ",8,7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0
- 10320 data5,"and everybody dies (the end)",0
- 10330 data6,"and almost everybody dies (the end)",0
- 10340 data7,"destroyed[160](the end)",0
- 10350 data8,"saved (the end)",0
- 10360 data9,"not destroyed but ",6,10,11,0,0,0,0
- 10370 data10,"everyone dies (the end)",0
- 10380 data11,"almost everyone dies (the end",0
- 10390 data12,"hire ",2,16,17
- 10400 data13,"discover ",2,16,17
- 10410 data14,"tiny ",4,18,19,20,66
- 10420 data15,"big old ",4,18,19,20,66
- 10430 data16,"tiny ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10440 data17,"big old ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10450 data18,"[205]exican ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10460 data19,"[195]heyenne ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10470 data20,"[195]omanchero ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10480 data21,"mongrels ",1,26
- 10490 data22,"wranglers[160]",1,76
- 10500 data23,"bandidos ",1,76
- 10510 data24,"rustlers ",1,76
- 10520 data25,"gringos ",1,76
- 10530 data26,"which ",6,27,28,29,30,31,32
- 10540 data27,"want the women ",2,33,35
- 10550 data28,"are friendly[160](the end)",0
- 10560 data29,"are friendly but misunderstood ",1,35
- 10570 data30,"misunderstand them ",1,35
- 10580 data31,"understand them too well ",1,35
- 10590 data32,"look upon them only as a source of gold ",2,34,35
- 10600 data33,"take a few and leave (the end)",0
- 10610 data34,"and shoot them (the end)",0
- 10620 data35,"and are[160]",2,36,37
- 10630 data36,"renegades ",1,38
- 10640 data37,"not renegades ",1,38
- 10650 data38,"and ",3,39,40,0
- 10660 data39,"can be killed by ",7,41,42,43,67,68,69,70
- 10670 data40,"cannot be killed by ",7,44,45,46,71,72,73,74
- 10680 data41,"a crowd of peasants with torches (the end)",0
- 10690 data42,"the army (the end)",0
- 10700 data43,"the cavalry (the end)",0
- 10710 data44,"the cavalry ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 10720 data45,"the army ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 10730 data46,"a crowd of peasants with torches ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 10740 data47,"but ",3,53,0,0
- 10750 data48,"so the marshall builds a weapon ",3,50,51,52
- 10760 data49,"but ",5,57,58,59,0,0
- 10770 data50,"which fails[160]",4,47,54,55,56
- 10780 data51,"which kills them (the end)",0
- 10790 data52,"which turns them into chopped meat (the end)",0
- 10800 data53,"they die from typhoid (the end)",0
- 10810 data54,"so they kill us (the end)",0
- 10820 data55,"so they put us to work on the ranch (the end)",0
- 10830 data56,"so they shoot us (the end)",0
- 10840 data57,"a cute little kid convinces them we'r [207].[203]. ",3,60,61,62
- 10850 data58,"a priest talks to them of god ",3,60,61,62
- 10860 data59,"they fall in love with this beautiful girl ",4,60,61,62,63
- 10870 data60,"and they die[160](the end)",0
- 10880 data61,"and they leave (the end)",0
- 10890 data62,"and they turn into chopped meat (the end)",0
- 10900 data63,"and they get married and live happily forever after (the end)",0
- 10910 data64,"freezes ",2,5,6
- 10920 data65,"crumbles in a drought ",2,5,6
- 10930 data66,"foreign ",5,21,22,23,24,25
- 10940 data67,"the sheriff[160](the end)",0
- 10950 data68,"the marshall[160](the end)",0
- 10960 data69,"the [212]exas rangers (the end)",0
- 10970 data70,"the townsfolk (the end)",0
- 10980 data71,"the sheriff ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 10990 data72,"the marshall ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 11000 data73,"the [212]exas rangers ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 11010 data74,"the townsfolk ",6,47,48,49,54,55,56
- 11020 data75,"",4,1,4,64,65
- 11030 data76,"who ",6,27,28,29,30,31,32
- 20000 p1$=t$
- 20010 iflen(t$)>wthenp1$=left$(t$,w)
- 20015 iflen(t$)<=wthenp1$=t$:goto20050
- 20020 lp=len(p1$)
- 20025 p2$=mid$(p1$,lp,1)
- 20030 ifp2$<>"[160]"thenifp2$<>" "thenlp=lp-1:iflp>1then20025
- 20040 p1$=left$(t$,lp):t$=mid$(t$,lp)
- 20050 printp1$
- 20060 iflen(t$)<=wthenreturn
- 20070 goto20000
- 30000 rem capitalize
- 30005 ift$=""thenreturn
- 30010 l$=left$(t$,1)
- 30020 ifl$>="a"andl$<="z"thenl$=chr$(asc(l$)+128)
- 30030 t$=l$+mid$(t$,2):return
- 40000 fori=0to21:poke828+i,8+i:next
- 40010 ifdv<8ordv>29ordv=8then40030
- 40020 a=peek(828):b=peek(828+dv-8):poke828,b:poke828+dv-8,a
- 40030 a$="hello connect":forj=8to29:i=peek(828+j-8):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:end
- 40070 q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 60000 d=peek(186):n$="b.western writer":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 60005 rem"a product of q & d programming"
- 60010 rem"june, 1982"
- 63000 goto40000:remd"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"qqqqruns"
- 63010 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]